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Survey Results

I decided to conduct a survey on the basics of stuttering to see what people my age really knew. Around 72 high school sophomores answered, and here are the results.

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this is very obvious, but stutterers don't always stutter when they are stressed. Yes, sometimes they do, like a lot of fluent speaker, but stuttering usually just occurs randomly and it's also different for every stutterer.

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Obvious again, but never finish a stutterer's sentence. It can sometimes cause frustration and make them feel invalidated because they aren't saying what they want to fast enough. Just let the get through it.

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Stuttering is usually genetic, and usually not caused from a particular incident.

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Very true, many stutterers experience things like blinking of the eyes, head jerking/movements and sometimes hand and other body part movements.

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Very obvious, and obviously false.

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This one is trickier, but it is true. Some do outgrow it, some don't. It's just random and you can't really control it.

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Of course it is false!

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Another tricky one, but this one is false. It is not psychological; it is genetic and affects the person's speech.

Survey Results: Text
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