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Can it be Cured?

Because Stuttering is hereditary in most cases, and is not in fact a psychological or mental disorder, there isn’t a cure (yet). There has been research going on relating to how stuttering appears in a person and why the gene comes up in that specific individual, but researching for a cure is a lot harder because it’s not very simple. Researchers are experimenting with things like electronic devices, pharmaceuticals, and other unproven treatments. Many stutterers benefit from things like speech therapy because it helps physically, like the actual stuttering part as well as emotionally, where stutterers accept their way of speaking which results in less stress and can also lead to less stuttering overall. We shouldn’t really expect a treatment or cure to come out anytime soon, despite common myths that say stuttering can be cured, fast and easily. Controlling your stuttering is something many individuals work on for their whole lives, and starts with accepting what you have and how to live your life with it.

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